Meet Kimberly Rosson, an accomplished Work Instruction Specialist who works at our Colorado facility. Kimberly is familiar with our manufacturing processes and has diverse experience at PTA Plastics. Discover more about Kimberly, her involvement with PTA, and her other hobbies by reading below!
How long have you been working at PTA Plastics?
I have been with PTA since September of 2022 - so just about 1.5 years now!
What is your current job title?
I got hired for the Work Instruction Specialist position. This role has allowed me to get hands-on experience with our manufacturing processes from start to finish, and collaborate across all departments at PTA. Since developing into my role I have gained experience in various different areas of the company which has been extremely beneficial to deepening my understanding of our day-to-day operations. I am now an Internal Auditor to ISO13485/ISO9001, I am the Ergonomist for the CO location, I’m the Safety Chairman and Safety Internal Trainer, an active member of our Cultural and Engagement committee, and also a member of WIM. In addition, I’ve really enjoyed getting more into PTA's Lean Programs and I graduate next month with my Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt!
Can you tell us about your daily respsonibilities at PTA Plastics?
My daily responsibilities depend on what “hat” I’m wearing and which project I’m involved with. Every morning my day starts off with creating the daily, “To Be Shipped Report”. I then go to the MRB Meeting to go over issues with parts from the previous day. At that point, I run the “To Be Shipped Report” meeting - where (as a group) we go over action items to get parts out. Whenever a sample is being run, I document the process and build the work instructions for it. I do daily GEMBA walks where we go around to each press and I make sure the work instructions for that job have everything they need; I’m constantly updating work instructions. I’m responsible for ensuring all CN’s for manufacturing are up-to-date and complete. I’ve been spending time focusing on big projects for our cleanroom, rolling out Lean 101 Training, and 6S Training. I’m assigned a few audits to complete throughout the year so when those come, they are a high priority, along with any Corrective Actions I’ve been assigned.
What are some of the goals that you currently have in your position at PTA?
My current goal within my role at PTA would be to continue to learn as much as I can about plastic injection molding. While I have really good background knowledge on manufacturing (mainly CNCs) this is my first job with plastic. I have taken full advantage of the Routsis Training offered and it has been helpful. I’m eager to get more in-depth, hands-on knowledge.
What are some of the challenges and plans that you currently have in your position at PTA?
The challenge I currently face is there is simply just not enough hours in the day! I live in Loveland ~1h away so the commute is by far the biggest downside to the job. I feel like a company wide area of opportunity is to enhance communication between different departments and I look forward to seeing how we can get better.
What are some of your favorite parts about working at PTA Plastics and why?
The people! We have an amazing team at PTA that does truly care. I’ve made friends and fostered relationships with employees here in Longmont, CO and Oxford, CT. We actually hangout outside of work - (shoutout to the Studio Ghibli movie crew, and the Friday Fritz Crew)! I get excited coming into work because I know each day new problems will arise and we will all work together to find a solution. I have been given some amazing opportunities to advance my skills and knowledge, more than any company has ever given me, and that has been a really rewarding part of working at PTA. Feeling VALUED and not like just another number is important to me. I despised working for big corporations because the impacts I made weren't as visible. A rewarding aspect of PTA is that contributions are much more appreciated and recognized. I report to amazing leadership that gives me all tools necessary for success and push me to do better, which is a big part of why I’m so happy here. Don Williams, Greg Fish, Mike Weiss, KUDOS to these guys!
Some highlights from my time here so far: Shadowing the MedAccred Audit, working with CSU to bring the CO facility up to OSHA standards, training the CO and CT facilities on safety, and participating in ESOP events state-wide and meeting other ESOPS in the area.
What impact does your role have internally?
Internally my role has a huge impact! If work instructions aren’t clear and accurate, we don’t make correct parts and that costs the company time and money and hurts our credibility with our customers. If Corrective Actions don’t go through the whole process, and the same issues keep happening, then that negatively impacts our credibility with customers as well. If an Internal Audit is not audited thoroughly, that is a potential risk when we have a 3rd party or customer audit us. Being able to work one-on-one to train employees internally on safety practices, ISO standards, and lean continuous improvement elevates PTA as a company and gives everyone tools to work efficiently and safely.
What impact does your role have on our customers?
Customers are happy when they get correct parts on-time, and if their issues are handled promptly and efficiently. I feel like my role(s) support that.
Tell us something that people might not know about you.
I am a proud Cat Mom to my 3 boys - Juggernaut, Richard Parker, and Milton. You’re only a crazy cat lady when you have MORE than 3 cats. 3 is a party!
Can you tell us some fun facts about yourself?
Hometown? Berthoud, Colorado
Favorite Book? A Short Story of Nearly Everything by Bill Byson. I enjoy this book because the author interviews experts in their field and conveys their knowledge into easily understandable language and ideas. I can talk for HOURS about space. This book explains everything we know about our world and the universe so far, it’s a cool read if you haven’t yet!
Favorite Movie? I love watching movies but I can’t say I have a particular favorite movie above anything else. Anything that brings out emotions or makes you really think I tend to like.
Favorite Sports Team? I’m a Colorado Native so ALL Colorado teams are my favorite. Broncos, Avs, Nuggets, Rockies. Hockey is my favorite sport; I enjoy going to Avs/Eagles games. I went to college in Fairbanks, Alaska so the Fairbanks Icedogs and UAF Nanooks will always have a special place in my heart!
Favorite Vacation Spot? Vacationing is my FAVORITE thing to do! Anywhere sunny and warm near water and I’m happy! I will say the most beautiful beach/ocean I’ve been to would have to be Jamaica, the water was crystal clear and warm like bathwater. Turks and Caicos being a close second.
Favorite Hobbies? In the wintertime I enjoy skiing and snowboarding – I can do both! In the summertime I enjoy wakeboarding, knee boarding, paddleboarding, camping, and hiking. I LOVE going to concerts and music festivals - Red Rocks is my favorite venue. I LOVE fishing; my dad and I go up to Alaska every few years to catch halibut and salmon. I am an avid shooter and own quite a few firearms - my favorite is my .300 Blackout SBR. I enjoy photography and taking pictures of cool things and places and I take family photos for friends and family but I’m not a professional.
Favorite Food? I am a TOTAL fruit person. Anything fresh fruit and I’m there! My favorite beverage is coconut water.
What do you like to do on the weekends? On the weekends I enjoy sleeping-in and spending quality time with my friends, family, and cats. If it’s a long weekend I like spending time up in the mountains pursuing my hobbies! If it’s a short weekend I like being lazy!